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ACEDecember 20, 20241 min read

ACE Vows Continued Commitment to Year-Round E15 After Struck from Year-End Package

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) is disappointed a bipartisan provision ensuring market access for E15 on a year-round basis was ultimately excluded from year-end legislation adopted by Congress, but the fact that Congressional leadership initially included it in the continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government is an encouraging sign for success in 2025. ACE CEO Brian Jennings issued the following statement:

“While it’s disappointing the bipartisan E15 year-round provision was ultimately left on the cutting room floor, ACE is incredibly grateful to our champions in Congress who convinced leadership to include it in the original must-pass legislation to fund the government. We are encouraged by this progress and confident E15 year-round has cleared enough hurdles to be included in the first must-pass bill Congress takes up in 2025.

“Ensuring year-round availability of E15 remains at the top of our legislative to-do list. It will help provide meaningful savings at the pump, enhance America’s energy security, and increase demand for low-carbon, homegrown ethanol. We will work with our champions in Congress, the administration, and stakeholders across the country to ensure Congress successfully enacts E15 year-round in time for the 2025 driving season.”

ACE encourages grassroots members and supporters to remain engaged and vows to highlight the importance of E15 year-round and other priorities during the organization’s Washington, D.C. Fly-in and Government Affairs Summit March 27-28, 2025.

ACEDecember 18, 20241 min read

ACE Thanks Congressional Leaders for Securing Year-Round E15 in End-of-Year Package

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) commends the lawmakers who successfully included a provision for nationwide, ...
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ACEFebruary 13, 20251 min read

ACE Welcomes Legislation to Make Nationwide E15 Year-Round Permanent

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) welcomed the reintroduction of the Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act ...
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ACESeptember 27, 20241 min read

ACE Welcomes House Bill to Allow Nationwide E15 Year-Round

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) welcomed the introduction of the Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act by ...
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